

The subjects taught in grades 5 through 12 are:

Art | Biology | Chemistry | German | English | French | Geography | History/U.S. History | Technology | Latin | Mathematics | Music | Physics | Religion/Ethics | Social Science/Politics | Spanish | Physical Education

> Curricula and grading criteria for several subjects (will be posted here)

> Detailed description of Class Tests and Exams in Grades 5 to 12

The weighing of academic performance elements is based on decisions made by the subject teacher group and/or the all faculty body and the details lie in the pedagogical responsibility of each individual teacher.

Grading scale and translation key

Deutsche Note / German Grade Sehr gut (1) Gut (2) Befriedigend (3) Ausreichend (4) Mangelhaft (5) Ungen眉gend (6)
US-Amerikanisches 脛quivalent / US Letter Grade Equivalent A+ A B C D F
Punkte / Points 15, 14, 13 12, 11, 10 09, 08, 07 06, 05, 04 03, 02, 01 0


To learn more about how we are supporting German language competency from preschool to high school graduation with our FastTrack program, please see the Overall Language Concept (currently only available in German).

Curricula of each subject:


> French Curricula - Grades 6 -9

> French Curricula - Grades 10-12

With questions, please contact the Head of the French Department, Ms. Akima Hamandia-G眉ldenberg at ahgueldenberg@giswashington.org.

History/ U.S. History

> Curriculum - Latein - Klassenstufe 8-10

At the German International School Washington D.C., Latin is offered as a third World Language in grades 8 to 10 with four lessons per week.
In grades 8 and 9 the textbook Viva (Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) is used. In grade 10, original Latin literature is read.

Students who take Latin as a 3rd World Language from grade 8 onwards can acquire the Latinum through an examination in grade 10. Information about the Latinum examination can be found in the Richtlinien f眉r die Ordnung zur Erlangung der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife an Deutschen Schulen im Ausland (Rili DIA-PO, current version).
Students who started Latin in Germany in grade 5 or in grade 6 and transfer to the German International School Washington D.C. in grade 7 , 8 , 9 or 10 will be taught in a separate Latin course (Latin 2).


Social Studies

Spanish as a Second Foreign Language:

> Spanish Curricula - Grades 6 -9

> Spanish Curricula - Grades 10-12

Spanish as a Third Foreign Language:

> Spanish Curricula - Grades 10-12 (to be posted)

Mit Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an die Fachkonferenzleiterin Frau Vorwerk unter nvorwerk@giswashington.org.
