
Study and career counseling

Study and career counseling are firmly anchored in the GISW鈥檚 curriculum and promote STEM/MINT professions and courses of study in a variety of ways. In addition to career information days in grades 10 and 11 that include a wide variety of information on STEM/MINT careers and programs, personal counseling sessions provide answers to students' individual questions.

Particularly noteworthy are the following firmly established activities within the framework of career guidance and information:

- Annual application for a university summer internship arranged by TU9 in Germany for high school students interested and gifted in science and mathematics.

- Local businesses and institutions (such as the National Institute of Health) offer a variety of opportunities in the STEM/MINT fields for the one-week career internship in grades 10 and 11.

- The one-day career information excursion in grade 9 brings students to the Volkswagen Group of America in Reston VA, where, among other things, various job profiles and career paths in the STEM/MINT field are presented.

- In Year 9, in preparation for Girls Day, a lesson on the topic of "typically male / typically female professions" is conducted in ethics classes. Girls and Boys Day is used to give students a sense of gender-atypical professions.


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